Deep Dive

Leadership Principles

These leadership principles embody the behaviors we value and expect from everyone at the company as they help us fulfill our mission:

Dive deep.

Leaders exhibit this principle by operating at all levels, staying immersed in the details, gathering data and employing first-hand knowledge while staying skeptical of any assumptions. It’s through diving deep that they earn the trust of others and the freedom to take real ownership of our work.

Take ownership.

Leaders are owners; not managers. They think long-term, believe no task is beneath them and act on behalf of the entire company. They are vocally self critical and benchmark themselves and their teams against the best.

Bias for action.

Leaders deliver results, move fast and simplify problems that others find complex. Speed matters in business and most decisions are reversible. We can almost always learn more through action than through analysis. Leaders do things; they don’t just talk about things.

Do the right thing.

There are two parts to this leadership principle. The first is having the judgment to identify the right thing for the business and then doing it, most of the time. It’s important for leaders to be right a lot. The second part is taking a long-term view of what’s right for the business and our customers and acting only with the best intentions. Good judgment + good intentions = great leader.

We’re hiring

We intentionally designed our culture to give leaders ownership and autonomy, empowering them to make decisions based on a set of guiding principles and tenets to achieve maximum impact for the customer.Sounds like a fit? Check out our open roles!